Become a Published Author

Attain peak authority status

Do more of your best work

Leave your legacy

I help busy CEOs, Entrepreneurs, and Speakers write and publish books, so they can be the guy or gal who wrote THE book on their area of expertise. 

How can you stand out if you sound like everyone else?

You can’t. And that’s why so many voices get ignored.

When you sound like the crowd you’re just more noise in the crowd.

It’s only when you lead with personality, authenticity, and polish the gold in your sentences that you compel your audience to react with energy

and give you their attention.

This all sounds great gold guy, but how the (insert four letter word) can I do that?

Don’t sweat it friend, I’m the Henry Walton Jones, Junior of finding Story Gold

Finding the Gold Always Pays

Writing is a form of alchemy. You start with a common substance of little value (a sheet of paper, an empty word document) and after digging, shaping, and refining you create something worth its weight in gold. Finding the gold in your writing is committing to going deep so you can transcend the ordinary.

Best of all you can discover story gold without the risks of idol hunting in booby-trapped Peruvian temples! 


When you know you want to write, have the information stuffed in your head, computer, and/or notebooks, BUT don’t know how to actually write a book. A ghostwriter can get you across the finish line and help you produce a marketable literary property (a published book). I help you write, market, and publish your book. Did I mention I’m one of less than 100 certified ghostwriters in the world?

“I knew I wanted a website to establish an online presence, raise awareness, and educate the public and my fellow physicians. The problem was I didn’t have clarity on direction and brand identity. I have written and published dozens of articles, treated thousands of patients, and can speak for hours on end about my experiences – but getting the words organized and into website-friendly formatting was something I needed help with. James helped me find the gold in my brand messaging and through the process, I discovered the purpose of my website and personal brand.”


Dr. Annas Ajassem

Assistant Professor of Physical Medicine
& Rehabilitation at Oakland University Wiliam
Beaumont School of Medicine

Your Journey to Author Immortality

  • Analysis & Recommendations
  • Book Industry Proposals
  • Best Seller Strategy Plans
  • Book Coaching
  • Full Nonfiction Manuscripts

Brand Messaging

Some call it website copy, copywriting, or content – I call it words that sell. Brand messaging is your online salesperson. These magic words determine whether visitors click your call-to-action buttons and give you a fighting chance at serving your customers. Get them right and you’re one step closer to hitting the mother lode.

“Our website copy communicated that we were efficient, high-quality, and a great experience — but we were missing the most important element. Why would people feel emotionally compelled to want to choose us? James went to work mining for messaging gold by sifting through hundreds of customer reviews. His Discovery interview forced me to dig deep and look at my business from our clients’ perspective and focus on their fears, desires, and what they needed from us on a deeper level. The process of working with James and his Story Gold framework took us to unexpected places that would have been difficult to discover without his guidance. If you need to find some gold to make your brand stand out put James to work – he’ll find what you need.”


Jackie Zoeller
Founder & Owner
Denver Headshot Co.®

Your Brand Messaging Holy Grail

  • Content Strategy
  • Data Driven Website Copy
  • Core Brand Messaging
  • SEO Optimized Messaging
  • Design Ready Website Copy
  • Golden One liner / Elevator Pitch / Brand Sales Letter

Hi, I’m James.

Thanks for dropping by and reading my sentences. I’m a writer, and readers are like currency for us. What you’re doing right now means a lot to me. Maybe I can be your writer if we like each other (I’m sure we will).

Technically, I’m a ghostwriter. That means I work behind the scenes, under the cloak of darkness, in the shadows of my well-lit mudroom converted to home office writing sentences for my clients. 

Even more, I’m a one-man ghost. When you work with me you get me and only me. No ghost sub-contractors here! They call that personalization in the marketing biz. Think of it like a white glove service for word customization.

But really… Why work with me aside from my experience, credentials, and glowing reviews? 😉

Here’s the thing…

When we work together it’ll feel like you’re working with a trusted friend. A friend who truly hears you, empathizes, encourages, has your back, and is ready to go to battle for you. 🥷

I’m here to make whatever you’re after work

This is the way

You: “Okay, James this is starting to make sense, but what qualifies you as a Story Gold expert?”

Me: “Good question. You’re no Johnny Newcome. I’m happy you asked.”

I Wasn’t Born with a Nose for Story Gold… But I was Trained by the Best

I’ve invested thousands of $$$ & years in professional ongoing training because ghostwriting and copywriting are HARD skills – meaning they’re not intuitive (you can’t just wing it on feel) and I want to make sure you get the biggest return on your investment possible.

James did an amazing job capturing my voice while writing a new website for my practice. I needed help clarifying my message in a way that spoke to my patients’ problems and highlighted not only what my methodology is, but why it works. He asked all the right questions. James is professional, and at the same time easy to talk to, so it made the process of getting the right words for my website painless. It felt like I was talking with a friend. Work with James, you’ll be happy you did.”

Robin Reynolds

Founder & Owner, Robin Reynolds RD

Write the Right Book

The 5 foundations to writing a must read business book 


Discover the 5 things all great authors do before they write a single word. Get these right and you can write with purpose and confidence. So go ahead and download this little treasure and give yourself the best chance to write a must read book.